The Monthly Rewind: March 2015
12:25 PM
My 3 Favourite Films of the Month
These are films I watched in March, they may not be March releases

Cinderella - 'Cinderella is not as magnificent as Maleficent due to a slow start and a little less magic. However, it has wonderful meanings, brilliant acting and is really visually appealing. The film provides both humour and emotion and balances the two really well. Cinderella is one of my favourite films of the year so far (I wouldn't have predicted this at the start of the year) and could be a contender for the smaller awards at the Oscars. I can't emphasise enough how well James did and even though there are still traditional Disney issues with their representations of gender, Cinderella is a huge improve on the animated classic. Cinderella is elegant, beautiful and really is a ball!'
Nightcrawler - 'Nightcrawler is stylish, thrilling, clever, amazing, original, refreshing, tense - Nightcrawler is a masterpiece! With fantastic Oscar-worthy acting from Gyllenhall - Nightcrawler portrays the brutal reality of crime journalism and what a risky and disturbing career path it is to take. Nightcrawler is another film that you need to see.'
Honourable Mention: Paddington, The Theory of Everything, Focus, Insurgent, Frozen Fever
So they are the highlights on this blog from February. We are happy to announce that our main DVD recommendation for APRIL is The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 - 'This trailer sent shivers down my spine. I love how there are quotes from all the movies so far and that a brand new quote has been added at the end. I am excited for this already and can tell that it is going to be amazing! The Hunger Games has been my favourite series of films of all time as of yet - it will be sad but satisfying to see them conclude. This is my favourite trailer of the week as it is probably the most effective trailer that I've seen this year - people are getting excited for this film around 8 months in advance!'
Honourable Mention: Hotel Transylvania 2, Paper Towns, Maggie
ShowFilmFirst - I have used this service in the past to see films like 'The Maze Runner' before their general release. I was really pleased when tickets to see 'The DUFF' early came in my mailbox- the service is free and there are new previews of films every week!
Website: Had to put this in here - visit the shop and see what you like!
Biggest Disappointment of the Month
Serena - 'Serena isn't a great or good movie. It has one of the most jumbled plots that I have ever seen. From both sides of the camera, the academy have noticed all of the talents work. However, Lawrence and Coopers good performances can't save them from poor direction from Bier. The movie is nice to look at and has some really clever themes. Despite all of its pros, the cons counter them all - Serena is one I advised you skip unless you are forced to watch it.'
Dishonourable Mentions: Chappie, The Boy Next Door, Ouija
Thanks again for tuning into this blog this month! I am still really enjoying doing it so I hope to carry this on for a very long time! April is going to be an exciting month with the releases of FURIOUS 7 and AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON!
See You Soon!