
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)

3:26 PM

Bloody Lovely
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is directed by Burr Steers (17 Again, Charlie St. Cloud) and stars Lily James (Cinderella, Wrath of the Titans), Sam Riley (Maleficent, Control), Matt Smith (Doctor Who, Terminator Genisys), Douglas Booth (Jupiter Ascending, Noah) and Jack Huston (American Hustle, The Longest Ride). "Five sisters in 19th century England must cope with the pressures to marry while protecting themselves from a growing population of zombies". The concept sounds a little too silly - can this film successfully have pride, prejudice and Zombies?

I was actually pleasantly surprised by this film - I found it very enjoyable. The film is majorly flawed though but that doesn't stop it from being a very strong film that I would say is worth your time and money. The film does sound a little silly but for me, the trailers have always been effective and I love how they build up Pride and Prejudice vibes and then break it down with the Zombie element. You would think that this would become a little old as the film went on but I still thought it was really funny seeing a zombie apocalypse occur with these characters in this setting. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is bloody lovely. 

The biggest flaw for this film is the lack of character development and the amount of plot holes. The only character I cared about was Lizzie - there was no one else that I felt any emotional connection to and that has to be down to the script. Lizzie has 4 sisters - bad things happen to them throughout the film and I just didn't care - scenes that could have been tense and emotional weren't that effective. I think more time should have been spent building these characters up in order for the audience to actually care about them. The film also does quite a few plot holes that do make it feel a little dumb - many loose ends aren't tied at the end of the film - I don't know if they were hoping for a sequel but the film didn't really feel finished. The stakes of the zombie apocalypse were never actually risen that high until the post credit scene. This means that this film isn't really about the zombie apocalypse but more so about the development of the zombie apocalypse.

Despite the plot having many holes and many loose ends left untied, the story is still pretty clever and unique. It was actually refreshing to watch this film as nothing like it has been done before. I thought the way zombies were tied into the Pride and Prejudice story was quite clever and I think the way the traditional characters changed was also pretty smart. I loved how strong, empowered and independent  Elizabeth Bennet became - she actually became quite a good female character. I also thought it was interesting to see how the three male love interests changed and even though you could see it coming,  the developments with Wickham were pretty cool. 

So the Zombies...I thought they looked pretty good. The makeup was all very strong and the costume design for the film in general was good. I also wasn't prepared for this film to be scary and it was! I was expecting a comedy/parody sort of film but Pride and Prejudice and Zombies takes itself quite seriously and I jumped quite a few times and was taken by surprise. I would actually put 'Horror' as one of this films sub-genres as it has some pretty good jump scares and scary elements. 

Lily James continues to prove she is a great actress - I thought she was very good in the film and despite her sisters not being written very well, she still managed to connect with them and I just thought her chemistry with anyone she interacted with was very strong. James also proved she can do some good action sequences - she made the character very likeable and I think she just did a really good job. Sam Riley put on a solid performance however his voice was a little strange and I do think Douglas Booth would have made a better Mr Darcy. Speaking of Booth, his character has one of the biggest loose ends but I thought his performance was strong. Matt Smith ended up providing comic relief in the film and I thought he did a good job. There were no performances in this film that stood out as bad to be - it was well acted across the board. 

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a really fun movie - it may sound silly, but just take it for what it is and you'll enjoy it. This film does successfully have pride, prejudice and zombies. Some have said it has pacing issues but I think it was paced quite well and there are just enough of all of the qualities which makes it work. The film is also surprisingly quite scary so be prepared for that. Lily James leads a cast that is full of strong performances and she does a really good job. There may be a lack of character development, plot holes and loose ends but I think if you take this film at face value, you can find something to enjoy. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - a pleasant surprise that is very entertaining. 


What did you think of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES? Do you think it was refreshingly different? - COMMENT BELOW

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