Jupiter Ascending (2015)
1:09 PM
You need more than Spectacular Visuals to make a Great Movie
Directed and written by The Wachowskis (The Matrix Series), Jupiter Ascending stars Golden Globe nominee Mila Kunis (Black Swan), Channing Tatum (Foxcatcher), Oscar-Favourite Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything) and Sean Bean (The Lord of the Rings). The film tells the story of Jupiter Jones, who is targeted by a power-hungry son of a rich family from another planet. This leads her travelling with a genetically engineered hunter to the planet as an attempt to stop his reign. Described as 'Snow White in Space', can this film really take elements of a story I adore and modernise it into a futuristic fantasy?
So I have been looking forward to this film for a very long time! It was originally on my films to watch in 2014 list but it got pushed back (from July 2014) by The Wachowskis to edit the special effects and develop an effective marketing campaign. I have heard a lot of mixed things about this film and was very worried and sceptical about whether it would be a huge disappointment. To sum up my experience, I have created a diagram (Note - after seeing this for the second time, I found the start of the film much more tolerable and understood it a lot more):
As you can see, Jupiter Ascending never really hits the heights of being a great movie but does spend a lot of time being terrible. Now some explanation: I thought this movie was dreadful to begin with - it was so confusing and stressful to watch as there was so many things going on and the same time. It didn't help that a lot of the beginning of the film gave a lot of screen time to Eddie Redmayne (more on him later). I completely understand how some people believe that this was silly (because it was) but I also believe that they let the awful beginning ruin the rest of the film. However, there is a really good action-packed fight scene towards the beginning of the film that I enjoyed.

Imagine going to Disney World: You go on the new Snow White roller coaster - it is slow to start with and has its ups and downs throughout and has amazing animatronics but afterwards you are satisfied - that is what this is (in a way)!
Note - I have actually moved this review from 3.25 to 3.5 - the reason for this is the more I think about it (it has been stuck in my mind for over 24 hours), the more I like it. The film was a really fun time even though it has many flaws. It has to be the most under appreciated film of 2015 so far. If you follow me on Twitter, you will see that I called this my guilty pleasure of 2015 so far - it really is! I saw it for the second time in the cinema and enjoyed it a lot more.
Have you seen JUPITER ASCENDING yet? Do you think its underrated? What did you think of the visuals? What should I review next? - COMMENT BELOW!
Jupiter Ascending is a summer release in China and Japan (it also hits DVD release in summer in the US and UK) and is therefore part of our SUMMER MOVIES 2015 PREVIEW campaign!
See You Soon!
Jupiter Ascending
Rated 3.5/5 based on 1 reviews