The Monthly Rewind: February 2015
7:42 AM
My 3 Favourite Films of the Month
These are films I watched in February, they may not be February releases

Kingsman: The Secret Service - 'Kingsman: The Secret Service is a very pleasant surprise. With a really fun story, light-hearted humour and a good mix of comedy and action, the middling special effects are just a minor negative. Egerton shines alongside globally known actors and has really marked his name on the film scene. I wouldn't skip this film as it is quite a treat!'
The Babadook - 'If I had seen The Babadook in 2014, it would have made my top 10 of the year. The Babadook is not one for the faint of heart, it is so clever that it manages to create a new type of horror. There are so many factors for you to get scared about in this film that people actually fear in real life. The Babadook is one of the best horror films that I have seen (Along with The Conjuring) - it is frightening, real, effective, disturbing, chilling and not far off from being a masterpiece. You might want to sleep with the lights on after you watch this---the mind plays with you in the dark...or does it?'
Honourable Mentions: Predestination, The Interview, The Book of Life & Jupiter Ascending
Other Favourites:
So they are the highlights on this blog from February. We are happy to announce that our main DVD recommendations for MARCH are The Imitation Game & The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 1.
Crimson Peak - 'Crimson Peak is either going to be the most magnificent horror film for a long time or a very slow, eery drama. Which ever one it will be? - I will definitely being going out to see it hoping for the former. '
Honourable Mention: Hot Pursuit
Orange Wednesday - On the 25th February, it was the last ever Orange Wednesday at cinemas (2 for 1 cinema tickets), so this month I made the most of this offer and I am sad to see it go. Hopefully some new offers will be created soon!
Biggest Disappointment of the Month
Love, Rosie - 'Love, Rosie is a film we've seen done a 1,000 times. It is silly, boring and unfunny. Collins is ok but Clafin is miscast and under performs. There are few laughs and the story is a formula that has worked many times before so works again but is just so predictable. Love, Rosie will probably appeal to tween girls but for anyone else - you should give it a miss.'
Dishonourable Mentions: It Follows, A Million Ways to Die in the West
Note: This post may change as reviews for THE WEDDING RINGER, PREDESTINATION & FIFTY SHADES OF GREY are currently being written.
Thanks again for tuning into this blog this month! I am still really enjoying doing it so I hope to carry this on for a very long time!
See You Soon!