
A Star is Born (2018) Review

7:43 AM

A Movie Star is Born?
 A Star is Born is the directorial debut from Bradley Cooper. Cooper also stars in the film alongside Lady Gaga (American Horror Story) and Sam Elliott (Buffalo Girls). "A musician helps a young singer and actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral". Will A Star is Born lead to the birth of a new movie star in the form of Lady Gaga?

About a year ago I watched Gaga: Five Foot Two; an insightful documentary about the life of pop culture icon, Lady Gaga. It would be easy to mistake A Star is Born as a film that is somewhat biographical; Gaga's path to fame likely resembles Ally's. A Star is Born is a triumph for Bradley Cooper whose directing debut is beautiful, moving and powerful. Lady Gaga reaffirms her talent with a performance that showcases her excellent acting as well as her powerhouse vocals. Its music is terrific and the story is intuitive and timely. A Star is Born is much more than a Lady Gaga biopic, it is a serious awards contender. 

Lady Gaga is perfectly cast as Ally. Cooper contacted the right music artist (as shown in Gaga: Five Foot Two); Gaga is a great match with the role. Making her big screen debut (do Machete Kills and Sin City 2 really count?) must have been daunting but Gaga effortlessly delivers a sensational performance. Gaga likely connected with her character and related to her story. Her performance as Ally is an excellent example of what great casting can do. By comparing Gaga's story to her character's, I don't want to take away from her tremendous performance, and her delivery is just that - a performance. From her breathtaking vocals to her more dramatic moments, this is likely a role that will stick with Gaga for the rest of her career. She deserves the highest of praises and I definitely predict an Oscar nomination. Ally is a great character. She has ambition and determination as well as a softer, loving side. Cooper and Gaga have together created an authentic and sincere pop star. 

Gaga isn't the only person displaying her multiple talents. Bradley Cooper delivers an excellent performance and an impressive directorial debut. It can sometimes hurt a film when a director chooses to cast themselves in a leading role (i.e. Kenneth Branagh and Murder on the Orient Express). That certainly isn't the case with Bradley Cooper. His debut effort proves he has artistry, talent and a good eye. It is also fantastic that Cooper used this opportunity to shed light on a new talent, not just himself. The script, co-written by Cooper, Eric Roth (Forrest Gump) and Will Fetters (The Lucky One), does lose momentum at times but Cooper's imagery and elegant style make the quieter scenes just as enjoyable. Cooper's role as Jackson requires lots of nuances as the character transitions from fading music artist to a depressed and hopeless one. Bradley Cooper hasn't delivered a performance this stirring in quite some time. Although the start of their romance felt rushed, Cooper and Gaga have good chemistry; there is a mutual sense of appreciation, respect and admiration between both actors. 

A Star is Born does have some scene-stealers. Drag queens Shangela and Willam Belli have extended cameos and make quite the impression. Willam had the audience roaring when she was still wearing her signed boobs. Lady Gaga is an icon for the LGBTQ+ community and it was a nice touch to see the community represented. Sam Elliott also gives a strong performance. His tough brotherly love towards Cooper's Jackson is heartwarming and distressing. Rafi Gavron successfully realises a cruel and cold-hearted yet professional manager. 

Its narrative isn't anything new (this exact story has been told three times prior) but this updated script alongside the strong directing and performances make 2018's A Star is Born a pretty special film. I really liked that the story took place during modern day. This allowed for Cooper and his fellow co-writers to comment on the current state of the music industry. Gaga's Ally transforms from an authentic and grounded singer into a glossy, over-produced pop star who sings about her tight jeans. The film is making commentary on the success of shallow pop music. Jackson reminds Ally to maintain the soul and meaning behind her songwriting which she begins to lose as her star rises; Ally doesn't revert back to her thoughtful music until the final scene. This also suggests that fame leads to a fabricated and artificial life that lacks meaning; it takes a hard-hitting event for Ally to sing about her raw emotions again. Cooper's rendition of A Star is Born manages to retell the same story with something new to say - just like Jackson believes that artists figure out new tunes with the same 12 notes. 

A Star is Born has an exceptional soundtrack. There isn't a song without meaning, a catchy hook or a good accompanying visual. Cooper and his cinematographer Matthew Libatique could become cameramen at concerts if all else fails. There is one song (and scene) in particular that I will remember for a long time. Ally's first time performing in front of a large crowd is a monumental moment in her career as well as in this film. "The Shallow" is my favourite song and I can't wait until it becomes available to stream and download! Ally's performance begins as nervewracking ominous and quickly becomes breathtaking and awe-inspiring, sending shivers across the movie theatre (I lost count how many times Gaga's voice did this). Ally's performance of "I'll Never Love Again" is incredibly moving and likely to bring tears to the eyes of many. This song isn't just a touching ballad because of its lyrics, Cooper's execution heightens the emotions; the cutaways to significant moments in the couple's relationship and the final segment being sung by Cooper's Jack are all cleverly designed to generate the feels. This final sequence unveils the film's true meaning - it is a story about the passion for romance in addition to climbing the music industry. There isn't a song I didn't like. Gaga is in her element exuding emotion as she owns the stage and Cooper reveals his hidden vocal abilities. A Star is Born's score incorporates instruments well. A scene that stands out is when Ally quits her job to the backdrop of a band setting up. Cooper intertwines instruments into his film similarly to Damien Chazelle's Whiplash.  

A Star is Born is a crowd-pleasing musical that takes an overly recycled story and somehow makes it feel current. Despite this being his debut, Bradley Cooper's directing is skilful. A Star is Born is a showcase of range; Cooper can act, direct and sing! Lady Gaga also distinguishes herself as a professional actress, proving that this is not a case of stunt casting. It may appear to be a shiny, studio-backed musical (and at times, it is those things) but A Star is Born delves deeper into the lives of successful music artists, exposing their struggles, heartbreaks and traumatic experiences.  A Star is Born is the year's first major awards contender...and it has set the bar high. Most importantly though, a movie star has been born.


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