
Logan (2017) vs Power Rangers (2017) - Trailer Battle!

6:31 PM

January 19th 2017. The day a new movie fight began - and it is one we were certainly not expecting. 2 huge trailers dropped but which was better? which had the biggest impact? This post is going to go into the details including reviews of both trailers as well as an overview of how they have so far performed....
About 3 hours after the release of both trailers, both films were trending worldwide on Twitter - however, one film was leading the other...by a mile. Over 90,000 tweets were written about Logan whereas under 30,000 were written about Power Rangers - this isn't too surprising as Logan has always been set to be a bigger hit - it's a comic book movie! However, this is our proper first look at Power Rangers so you would think the trailer would have got more people talking - this is a little worrying for Lionsgate as they hoped this would be a tentpole picture for them and hopefully kicking off a new franchise, not a box office bomb. Less than an hour later, Logan passed 100,000 tweets whilst Power Rangers was still struggling with 34,000.

If we look at the Youtube views on the official pages - Power Rangers currently has 3.6 million views whilst Logan is trailing with 2.8 million. Oh, how the tables turn across all the different platforms - people are probably more interested in the Power Rangers trailer because it is the first full look but it suggests they preferred the Logan trailer as that is what has got people talking. The Logan trailer is currently #2 on the Youtube trending list meanwhile Power Rangers is no where to be seen which suggests these views were front-loaded and the buzz is dropping while Logan still has people clicking, watching and talking.

So this is kind of a win for both films but I think Logan manages to to edge out Power Rangers - simply because it's still building stream right now and when looking at live feeds for post topics, the one for Logan was moving at an extremely fast pace in comparison to Power Rangers. If I was to predict right now, I think Logan is on its way to seeing Deadpool numbers at the box office and I think Power Rangers will follow suit of other Lionsgate B+ properties - I see a $40-50 million opening on the cards.

UPDATE (21/1/2017) - Logan is still #12 on the Youtube trending list with 7.2 million views but Power Rangers is still leading with 12.9 million!

UPDATE (23/1/2017) - Both trailers are now starting to settle with both officially out of the Youtube trending list. Power Rangers has now accumulated 19.2 million views and the second Logan trailer has 8.9 million. Both trailers have done extremely well but Power Rangers has certainly done a better job so far - I definitely think this is down to it being the first full look. Logan had such a strong first trailer, it was always going to be hard to reach those numbers once again (18.4 million) - the thing is though, Power Rangers could be a much stronger performer than we were expecting!

The stats have also come in for IMDb clicks - it is always interesting to see what influence a trailer has on the clicks to a films page. Logan jumped 49 places to number 6 - out of all the films right now, this is the 6th film people are most interested in. Power Rangers leaped 40 places to number 10 which is also impressive. This once again backs the idea that even though less people have seen the Logan trailer, those who do are more interested and excited than those who have watched the Power Rangers trailer.

But which trailer do I prefer, let's review both and find out!

First up, it's Power Rangers (2017)...

0:04 - I really hate this new thing trailers do where they basically give a teaser of the trailer before it begins - do people honestly have that small an attention span?
0:23 - what I don't understand here (it could be down to editing or me misunderstanding the scene) but we're just told that these people do not know each other so why are they now jumping into a pool together - it seems like they are comfortable together if you ask me!
0:28 - I don't know whether I like this or really hate it - it looks a little silly but there is some humour here that is effective.
0:39 - gotta love wires! Seriously though this little montage of them discovering their powers is pretty cool
0:50 - The trailer has lost me again, this looks tacky and reminds me of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. I also don't understand how Bryan Cranston has ended up in a film like this.
0:58 - the trailer reaches a new low at this point because this weird little robot thing is horrible! It certainly reminds me of bad Saturday morning TV and even more of that weird brain thing in TMNT2.
1:01 - The trailer kind of changes pace here and also style and doesn't do it very smoothly. I know I'm in the minority but I like the song choice.
1:12 - I find this also to be pretty funny
1:23 - even though the humour is still there, I'm not a fan of the visual effects as those monsters (more like 'things') just look really strange and not realistic at all
1:27 - for some reason this moment reminds me of the Dauntless moments in the first Divergent film - I like it and it looks like the characters are young and having fun.
1:32 - The saving grace of this trailer is definitely Elizabeth Banks who I think is going to do an excellent job as the villain - she is definitely a great character actor (like we have seen in The Hunger Games) and looks to be turning Effie Trinket into a dark and evil person here. She also looks quite cool.
1:44 - I like the editing here and I also like Rita's change of outfit - she looks even more vile and therefore even more wicked and evil.
1:47 - "It's Morphin' time' - I don't know whether that's cool or just really cringeworthy??
1:52 - and here we have our first look at the Power Rangers all suited and booted - I am a fan of their modernised costumes and I think they look pretty cool. Let's just hope the film doesn't spend too much time setting up the characters and not enough time of them as Power Rangers.
1:57 - These action sequences look fun and really cool - this actually reminds me of the types of Power Rangers I used to watch as a kid.
2:04 - Least we know it's not going to be loads of rubble in the sky right? However, this gold creature is pretty strange and although the effects do look cool, I don't know how I feel about it.
2:11 - Then it becomes a Transformers film - I really don't hope it's going to be like Transformers as they are not good films at all.

I have quite mixed feelings towards this trailer - it does look fun and I think it has quite a fun, upbeat vibe but I also worry that it is stepping into Transformers territory which is like a toxic wasteland for films. Maybe this can do the whole Transformers thing right? I'm not too sure on the performances from the rangers just yet, we need to see some smaller moments but for now, they seem alright. Elizabeth Banks looks like she is set to steal the film as the villain - the visuals, the sneak peak of her dialogue and just the character in general seem like a true villain - she actually seems evil and could possible be like a female Loki? The trailer is also quite humourous and has a light tone - this definitely isn't a dark Power Rangers adaption. From this trailer, I would project the film at around 58/100 - not the best but there is certainly room for improvement.

And then we have Logan (2017)...
0:01 - Eleven, is that you?
0:15 - I like this girl, we would be friends
0:20 - that scream is not something you would like to keep hearing but she certainly sounds scary and this is certainly the story of old man logan because Hugh Jackman looks pretty old here
0:26 - like father, like daughter - stealing after he's just told her off ;)
0:29 - the first time I heard the music, I honestly thought it was Stay With Me by Sam Smith
0:32 - Another self-aware X-Men film? Deadpool is already influencing future films. I like this, it is a little on-the-nose but it's nice.
1:00 - you messed with the wrong girl
1:08 - this is very cool and I think it's really going to be a great film - this isn't something that has been done on-screen before and I'm not surprised because on paper it sounds cheesy but with the styling of this film and the way everything has been set up, it works.
1:12 - blood, I'm sure there will be even more with its R rating
1:19 - this essentially looks like a road trip film that is packed with action - kind of like Mad Max: Fury Road
1:28 - the action looks very good!
1:50 - I hope the film has quite a few moments like this that establish the bond between Wolverine and X23 as even for a split second in the trailer, this small cute exchange they have is quite heartwarming.
1:54 - please don't tell me its going to be that dark that Wolverine dies in X23's arms???!!!
1:55 - is she avenging her father??!!!!
2:01 - I can't wait for some action sequences where they both team up, it'll be so cool and if they've developed their father/daughter relationship enough, it could be really powerful
2:07 - this is my favourite shot from the whole trailer - it makes me smile but it's also just such a genius idea and most importantly, it works.

Another great trailer in the books for Logan - this one follows a similar style to the last but gives us even more. We still don't know too much about the plot which could be a little worrying as we don't want a messy plot and we haven't really seen X23's acting ability - she could be the most annoying child actor ever (hopefully not). They also seem to be showing a lot of the same scenes so I really hope they aren't only using the best bits and hiding a bad film. However, I really don't want to come across as negative as I really like the trailer - the song, the action, Eleven 2.0, the hints of small, cute family moments - it all looks really good but I learnt in 2016 to be wary of even the best trailers (looking at you Suicide Squad). However, I think Logan is going to be very good and at the moment I am provisionally giving it 70/100.

We have a winner....
My favourite trailer out of the two is definitely Logan - there is nothing wrong with it at all, the only worries I have are all just possibilities whereas Power Rangers has clear signs that it could easily slip down the Transformers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles route. Unfortunately Banks alone isn't enough to edge out Logan which has everything going for it. I really like Deadpool and I like how Fox have found their niche with comic book standalone films - going for that R rating. It makes the film feel much grittier and I think it will let Wolverine to be seen to his full potential for Jackman's last film. If I were Lionsgate, I would regret releasing my trailer today and would have waited another week or so because maybe more people would be talking about it.

Power Rangers hits cinemas March 24th.
Logan hits cinemas March 2nd in the UK and March 3rd Stateside.

Which film will you be seeing? Which trailer did you prefer? - COMMENT BELOW

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  1. Although this is a good review, I have to say the Power Rangers review I feel was looked at in the wrong light. On of the biggest red flags for me was, "the robot thing." Alpha 5 is an enormous staple in the power rangers story. I for one would have been irritated if they left him out of it. And the Gold thing is one of the biggest reoccurring villains in the series, Goldar. My only concern with him is he's gonna be a short visit, then we'll never see him again. And the cheesiness is something they wanted to keep true to, as the series definitely had it's moments. I'm concerned about the transformers piece of it too, just hoping they do the rangers justice on that note. But it seems like Logan already had the upper hand in this because it is a plot to be taken seriously, where as power rangers is a re-imagining of our Saturday mornings that just reminds us, it's okay to be a kid every now and then.
