
Smaller Films I Can't Wait to See: Sicario, Regression & More!

3:43 AM

So Awards season has begun with studios releasing films they hope to become the most acclaimed of the year. These films aren't usually huge box office wise but are still usually worth watching. I have to admit, this time of the movie year is probably my least favourite as all the films require a lot of attention and are usually very tense/dramatic. Even if you want a break from these type of films, the only other films out that aren't blockbusters are usually rubbish. This year, I believe we have a good balance of smaller films and big films - in this post, I will talk abut the smaller films I can't wait to see.

1. Sicario - I really like Emily Blunt as an actress so I think it is brilliant that she has finally got her own film to showcase her talent. I have heard great things about Sicario - it has an 88% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is a good sign. Another thing I really like about the film is that it is directed by Denis Villeneuve who also directed 2013s 'Prisoners' - I found that movie extremely disturbing but very very good at the same time. If Sicario has a similar effect, it will not only be a movie that I like but one that I will remember for a long time. Sicario hits UK Cinemas 8th October.

2. About Ray - I didn't actually know much about this film until I saw the trailer and I was incredibly impressed with it. I actually prefer the look of this film to 'The Danish Girl' - this is because About Ray seems to include modern day views on transgenders rather than dated and old fashioned views. I also think its great the Elle Fanning is given her first ever chance to prove how talented she is. The only worries I have about this film is that it currently holds a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes which isn't too great - however, films are subjective which means that I could potentially love About Ray! If you want to see my trailer review for this film, click hereThe film currently doesn't have a UK release date. 

3. Regression - Now, I let this film pass under my radar for a while - I saw that the trailer was released but chose not to watch it as I didn't think it would be the type of film I would like. However, I recently watched the trailer and thought that it looks absolutely great! I think the trailer is one of the best that I have seen in a long time - it actually gave me vibes of 'Prisoners' so maybe I will get 2 films that I enjoy just as much this year. The film stars Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson - two actors that I really like. The film is a thriller and I am still yet to be actually thrilled by a thriller this year - I have a lot of hope for Regression. Regression hits UK Cinemas 9th October. 

4. Room - This is another film that I actually didn't know much about and didn't really care for until this month. I watched the trailer when it was first released and didn't really think much of it - I didn't really understand it. However, after some research and hearing all the buzz - this film is definitely on my radar and I can't wait to see it. Room currently holds a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes - if that doesn't make you slightly interested in the film then I don't know what will! I have heard that many believe that Brie Larson deserves an Oscar for this film. I just can't wait to see Room as I believe it is just going to be a really good watch. The only bad thing is that Room hits UK Cinemas 29th January 2016. - why so long! :(

5. Z for Zachariah - Unlike most of the films on this list, I have been looking forward to this film for a while. Now, I think the plot does sound interesting but my main draw to this film is that it stars Margot Robbie. Now, I am very excited for next years Suicide Squad and I enjoyed this years Focus so I am interested in seeing Robbie in a serious film where she can actually showcase her talent. If she is good in this film, it will really confirm whether she is a good actress or not (I believe she is anyway). The film also holds a 77% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is a good sign. Z for Zachariah is yet to get a UK release date. 

6. Joy - Now, it's debatable how small this film is going to be because out of all the films on this list, it is probably the most likely to succeed financially. The main reason I want to see Joy is that it stars Jennifer Lawrence who is one of my favourite actresses. The trailer was also very good - I am still a little unclear about what the film is about but hey, it can't be worse than Serena. Joy is also directed by David O. Russell who directed American Hustle and Silver Linings Playbook - two films that I loved! Joy hits UK Cinemas 1st January 2016. 

Which of these smaller films are you looking forward to seeing? - COMMENT BELOW

See You Soon!

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